Move With Balance® Goes Statewide in Maryland

We are excited to announce we will be presenting Move With Balance® to the AAA’s (Area Agencies on Aging) statewide in Maryland in November via a web-meetingWe received an email asking us “to share information regarding your innovative and effective program (Move With Balance®) with the other AAAs statewide, and to discuss pertinent policies and share best practices”. Maryland will “utilize Older Americans Act funds (IIID) for Move With Balance® as a highest tier evidence-based program”.

Move With Balance® is Launched Statewide in Arkansas

IMG_1935On January 12, 2016 I heard from the Arkansas Area Agency on Aging. Below are some excerpts:
“We have launched Move with Balance statewide.
Our seniors love this class.  We have one center that had to run  sessions classes per week because they had 75 people coming to class and that was too many to work with at one time.  We currently have Move with Balance being offered in all 8 of our AAA regions and in 90 senior centers to date.” (Photo from the Arkansas training.)

Move With Balance in Arkansas Update

Judd wrote to us as he ordered more books for the Move With Balance program in Arkansas:
“Also I just wanted to let you know how many compliments we are getting from your program. I personally lead a MWB group for over a year and have seen the progression with the Seniors I worked with. I just trained 8 more leaders yesterday. We have 6 classes going now throughout the White RiverRegion of Arkansas and are expecting to have 6 more going before the end of January. Thank you again!

Move With Balance® with Music training on Kauai’i

Training for Caregivers and Group Leaders on Kauai’i, Hawai’iIMG_3322

On November 19 and 20, Karen Peterson, founder of Move With Balance®, and Bill Fuller, musician and songwriter, led a training for Professional and Family Caregivers and Group Leaders on Kauai’i. Karen and Bill recently completed very successful Move With Balance® with Music for Alzheimer’s/Dementia program on Maui. They have integrated original music into the entire Move With Balance® program.


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On November 27, one week after the training on kauai, physical therapist, Noreen S. wrote to us about her experience of using Move With Balance® Clock Face with two of her clients.

“Aloha Karen,
I wanted to thank you for coming over to Kauai and sharing your excellent program with us. I have used the clock face with a number of clients I have been seeing and wanted to report back.

1. A  76 y/o woman, with cognitive deficits, not using her R arm from humeral fx (back in May 2015) happily used the clock and started patting the top and back of her head with no complaints of pain.

2. A 57 y/o with brainstem infarcts- I started his session with the clock to get his attention switch activated. His attention had been about 30 seconds for activity. Following the clock exercise his impulsivity decreased and was able to attend for a few minutes for motor activities. Big change.

Thanks so much for all your efforts in developing “Move with Balance”.


More from Arkansas and Move With Balance®

Arkansas has been doing some amazing work with our program. IMG_1935

“We will be conducting a training in March that will provide Move with Balance group leaders in ten additional counties in southeast Arkansas.  This is the delta region where there is a very high poverty rate and very poor health rates.  We are really excited to offer Move with Balance® to this area.  This will put us in 57 or our 75 counties. We will keep you informed of our progress.”—Beverly

“The program is going  well in Todd’s area.  We are training another area later this month.  Judd’s area will train soon and ours will be training in March and April.  We are so excited about the program and Todd’s folks are absolutely loving it!” –Angie

Move With Balance® in Arkansas

20150924_101749_resizedJust finished teaching a 1 hour class on MWB at our annual Senior Alliance Conference in Fo20150924_101213_resizedrt Smith, Arkansas. Probably 50 or 60 people there. Many came up to me afterward and wanted more info. Some are ordering the book.

Also want me to teach a longer class so maybe we can talk about that. I’m excited about what’s happening with Move With Balance. I absolutely love the idea of adding music so can’t wait to see/hear that new addition.

Yahoo, MWB moving in Arkansas!
Thanks for a great program that our seniors love.

Carol Rowell