Care for a senior
Are you a professional or family caregiver and would like to teach an elder how to prevent falls and improve their cognitive skills?
Helping an elder improve their balance, vision, coordination, and cognitive functions can be easy. The exercises in the Move With Balance book were designed to be flexible and easily adaptable to answer the individual needs of organizations or individuals who works one-on-one with elders, such as family caregivers, caregiver agencies, individual professionals, and physical therapists.

“When I first met Theresa 3 years ago, she could barely walk and had significant difficulty formulating her thoughts. This past session she had a major breakthrough: she was participating in a brain activity that required her to think, move, and speak simultaneously and had moments of fluidity and effortless flow… a mental sensation that she states she has not experienced since before her accident 4 years ago.
This course has given her so much hope, as well as the necessary tools to continue to move forward.”

Get started now
Our national award winning book is the cornerstone of learning how to move with balance. The book's easy-to-follow exercises are scientically proven to help increase coordination, sharpen cognitive skills, improve vision, and enhance self-confidence.
- Over 100 brightly illustrated pages
- Dozens of movements that anyone can do
- Includes over 60 exercise demonstration videos
- Available for download and in print
How can I adapt the program to fit my client’s needs?
If you have already purchased the book and would like to deepen your understanding of how adapt the exercises to the individual needs of your elder, we have developed two curriculum and addendum manuals. These manuals help you tailor the exercises to your elder’s ability. There is a curriculum for low- to mid- functioning elders and a the curriculum for mid- to higher- functioning elders.
Each manual contains the following content:
- full lesson plans for a 10-week program
- new customized exercises tailored for your elder’s cognitive and functional abilities
- explanations on how and why each activity benefits your patient
- many new exercises that are not in the original Move With Balance book
Visit the store to download your copies of the customized manuals.

Does your elder have Alzheimer’s or dementia?
Learn more about how the Move With Balance program is perfectly suited to elders with Alzheimer’s or dementia.