Success stories
A showcase of inspiring stories and testimonials from elders, teachers, and caregivers.
Mentee: Vinnie Kratzman
Mentor: Paula Sandefur
“I came in in a wheelchair but I’m running around with a walker now”
“This past session she had a major breakthrough. She was participating in a brain activity that required her to think, move, and speak simultaneously. Typically, when she attempted these types of activities her answers and movements were choppy, slow, and incorrect. This last session she had moments of fluidity and effortless flow… a mental sensation that she states she has not experienced since before her accident 4 years ago. She kept exclaiming that she has regained hope that she can be cured with practice and patience.
This course has given her so much hope, as well as the necessary tools to continue to move forward.”
“I met Karen Peterson twenty-five years ago when she introduced me to her expertise in movement and perception. We worked together to help alleviate vision and balance issues. Her present concern is enhancing balance and thereby preventing falls. This program is based on cutting-edge science. She uses modified techniques that Olympic athletes employ with good success.
I wholeheartedly endorse her work to make seniors safer and to help them lead more active and productive lives.”
Amy, mentor

“She couldn’t put one foot in front of another and it took all her focus. At the end of the hour, she was walking in straight line without even paying attention.”
Loretta, Mentor
“I used to suffer from excruciating and debilitating leg cramps which would wake me from a sound sleep nearly every night.
I’ve been involved in Move With Balance since January of this year, and am extremely grateful to be able to say I can’t remember the last time I was so rudely awakened! I enjoy all the activities we have learned and I have noticed many subtle benefits from them. However, the ‘Leg Back Dancer’ has made a dramatic difference in my ability to sleep soundly through the night without pain.”

“I am so happy and pleased for you and Bill. Looks like all your persistence has paid off. It’s quite clear your sails are filled and it’s full speed ahead, it was clear to me from the beginning you had an excellent program going but with the addition of Bill’s music it went and keeps expanding beyond excellent. What a gift you two are. Thank you for all you do to make this a better world. I am blessed to know you. Thank you for being you and for being in my life. You program is definitely a gift to the world!”👍❤️✨🙏🏻🌹
Teri Mister, Mentor
Would you like to share you story?
Please contact us, we would be delighted to hear about your experiences with the Move With Balance exercises.