0407151416Hi Karen:  Following are some comments from the classes I held here in Sedona this year.  Sorry to take so long to get this to you.  I have also
enclosed some pictures.  I just finished the summer program at Olli Osher Life Long Learning Institute from Yavapai College and am scheduled again for the Fall semester starting in October.  The class was extremely well received.  The Olli program has more active seniors than the class I hold at my clubhouse where I live. It was interesting to see the different reactions from the younger-aged seniors. It has given me a lot of information about how to proceed as I get ready to take this to the general public and retirement communities.  Having done this now almost every week since April, I feel very confident in the process and how to work with different age groups. 

The 1st picture with this email is from my Olli Class and the 2nd one is from the more frail group here at Sunset Village where I live.
I am truly enjoying promoting your program.

(This writeup was used to promote in our club newsletter)

0730151124aThe Move with Balance® class is an excellent way to give your body a “tune up.”  This class develops a strong connection between the body and the brain. Its goal is to improve the physiology and nervous system on a very deep level.
Our bodies are complex physical mechanisms.  Exercises like “Lazy 8’s” and “the Elephant” help to integrate our right and left brain with our eyes, ears, arms, knees and legs.  Laura Vandegrift, our Group Leader, uses a book by Karen Peterson whose wisdom and knowledge prompted her to write “Move with Balance®.”


“We are helping ourselves, and having fun using beanbags, tennis balls and lots of easy visual exercises that practiced long enough excite a feeling of success”.  (Ann Doane, Sedona, Az)

“I really like this program. It causes you to use your brain in ways not used before.  This program is REALLY EXCELLENT.” (Bob Smith, Sedona, AZ

By Class 5 “My handwriting has improved and I can write in a straight line now. I find this class very helpful.  It keeps the brain sharp and focused.” (Nel Hope, Sedona, Az)

COMMENTS FROM OLLI CLASS:  (I developed a survey sheet for them to fill out on the various exercises and comments at the end of class.)

These exercises give me some hope!

Increased sense of balance/centered.

All walking exercises are really helpful to me for gaining balance.

Overall, the entire class was enjoyable, relaxing (making me forget the outside world!) and helpful with my balance.

This class has really increased my awareness, heightened my senses, improved my balance, and made me more confident! Great Class!

Like the integration of mind/body. Has helped me with right and left.

The Confidence Walk made me feel good.

Warm Up Movements got me energized and ready to do more.

On eye exercises, I feel I am less aware of my floaters.

Like coordinating movements with balls and beanbags.

Feel more confident as I do the Confidence Walk exercises.

Feel more coordinated as I do the leg strengthening exercises.

I am looking forward to moving forward with this and will keep you updated as things progress.  Best regards. Laura