Our story
The Move With Balance program is the heart of Giving Back, our non-profit started in 2000 to help children, fit seniors, and frail elders.

Move With Balance is a program designed and run by non-profit organization Giving Back whose mission is to prevent injuries from falls and enhance cognitive functions among the elderly.
We accomplish this goal by employing active seniors as mentors to more frail elders, practicing exercises together in a safe, loving environment. Activities include integrated movements, original music, vision training, focusing and balance exercises so that the mind and the body are stimulated simultaneously. Learn more on how the program works.
Our history, our story, our future
Giving Back, a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency, was founded by Karen Peterson M.A in 2000.
Seniors Mentoring School Children:
For nine years, until 2009, Giving Back operated an intergenerational mentoring program, which paired senior citizen volunteer mentors with children in need of tutoring, reading, and/or mentoring at various sites in the community. More information is available at www.givingbackmentoring.org
In 1994 Karen Peterson started this program that developed into the current Move With Balance®. She first worked with children and then frail elders.
Seniors Mentoring Frail Elders:
In 2005, Maui Long Term Care Partnership asked Giving Back to expand their mentoring program to include healthy, fit seniors mentoring frail, at-risk elders. Thus, was born Move With Balance®, which is ongoing on Maui, and now being replicated in many places beyond.
In 2013 Karen published the book Move With Balance®: Healthy Aging Activities for Brain and Body along with 60 online videos.
Nine training videos became available in 2015 so that others can replicate this award-winning, evidence-based program.
Seniors Mentoring Alzheimer’s/Dementia Elders:
In 2015 Karen and Bill joined together to create Move With Balance® with Music for Alzheimer’s/Dementia. They received the clients from Maui Adult Day Care, and paired each one with a volunteer mentor. The program was amazingly successful, and a special Alzheimer’s curriculum and music are available.
Currently, Giving Back has trained over 1,100 mentees and 500 mentors on Maui.

Meet the team to learn more about the wonderful people who help improve seniors’ lives one small step at a time.
Help us improve the lives of our elders
Your support will help us reach more senior citizens and support families in need in their own communities.